Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Birthday vibes

This is the story of my birthday :)

I woke up to find Liz up before me, which doesn't happen very often. She was making us an awesome breakfast of English muffins, Woolies juice and those yoghurts i loved as a kid with the flavour separate at the bottom and you have to mix it in yourself.

After our awesome breakfast, i was the last in the therapy team to get to work, so i walked in to an enthusiastic rendition of happy birthday. Joff and Megan (awesome British couple who were here for 3 months) were leaving Zithulele that day - fantastic birthday present :( , so they popped into the department for some happy birthday and goodbye hugs :(

The rest of the working day was nothing special - actually, it was one of the worst days i'd had for a while. One of those days where there's just too much going on and you spend the whole day running around like crazy feeling like you're not coping and nothing is working. I was also just really exhausted from our great trip to East London the previous weekend, and just wanted to go to sleep and cancel any celebrations.

So after a few minutes to myself i felt a bit better and started rounding up the troops for The Great Zithulele Treasure Hunt which Kayleigh and Sam and I had dreamed up on Saturday night at Cintsa. We got enough players for 3 teams of about 6-8 people each. Kayleigh gave us brief instructions and we were off. By the way, Kayleigh and Sam did the clues, so i had no idea where they were. Unfortunately, we overlooked the fact that it would be cold and dark and require a lot of running around, so before long, i had lost my team mates, some of the clues had gone missing and everyone was running around slightly confused, but still super amped.

Liz getting into the spirit of the game and running down the street with Karl chasing her:
After we figured out that everyone had been to every clue, we all reconvened at our place for tea and cake and trying to solve the treasure hunt puzzle. Every clue had a letter on, so you have to put all the letters together to spell the winning word. The letters were (not in order, see if you can figure it out): B, A, B, J, T, H, A, T, H, U, E. Roger was first to get it.

We tried to eat chocolate cake without plates - epic fail. It felt like there were people and cake everywhere. Here's Emma in her party dress (for my honour) covered in cake. Unforunately, the photo doesn't quite capture how much cake she had on her.

Liz was entertaining the crowds with pictures from Kim and Pete's wedding that she went to in England.

After the crowds had gone, i opened some prezzies yay:) Here is my picture from Josh (5 years old) which i love.

Liz gave me a choice of what i wanted for dinner and i chose her amazing lasagna. So Kayleigh, Sam, Liz and I had a late dinner and that was pretty much the end of the day.

Thank you to Liz (for making me 3 awesome meals) and Kayleigh and Sam (for the treasure hunt and) for making it special. xxx

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