A trip to East London means a 4-hour drive and a whole weekend expedition, so i invited Kayleigh and Sam to come for the ride (Liz was in England). It turned into a pretty sweet road trippin awesome weekend!
Most of the ride there was spent playing hilarious games of i-spy and listing things. i-spy went something like this:
Lisa: I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'c'
(10 minutes and several guesses later...)
Sam: Can u see it now?
Lisa: Yes
(about 10 minutes and more guesses later...)
Lisa: do you want me to give a clue?
S & K: Yes
Lisa: It has a "sh" sound
Sam: I thought it started with a 'c'
Lisa: It does
(about 10 minutes later...)
Lisa: Do you want me to give you another clue?
S & K: Yes!
Lisa: Its a road sign
(about 10 minutes later...)
Lisa: ok, look, its those things in front of us!
Sam: sharrows?
Lisa: No!
(5 minutes later...)
Lisa: There they are: right in front of us!
Sam: sharrows!
Lisa: No!
S & K: i don't know what they are called!
The next game of i-spy went something like this: (excuse the inacurrate recording)
Sam: I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'd'
Lisa: Dirt road?
Sam: No. its one word.
Kayleigh: Disused railway?
Sam: No, its one word!
Kayleigh: Delapadated building?
(etc. etc. 5 minutes later...)
Kayleigh: Is it inside or outside the car?
Sam: Inside
Lisa: Dust?!
Sam: Yes!
Lisa: I'm insulted!!!! There's more dust outside my car than inside!
I-spy was followed by a game of "Name x number of x's". Some of the topics included: animals not found in the Transkei, Star Wars characters, American presidents, names of trees (not fruit trees), types of shoes, full names of characters on Grey's, minor Friends characters, tracks on the Grammy Nominees CD, people who worked at Zithulele before our time etc.etc. Particularly amusing was Sam trying "Name 20 foreign currencies". Unfortunately "Canadian money" "Australian money" and the likes don't count!
your version of this is WAY funnier....legendary times :)